What Should Be Considered After Hair Transplantation?

What Should Be Considered After Hair Transplantation?

PROHIBITIONS CIGARETTE Do not smoke for 7 days after the procedure. ALCOHOL Do not drink alcohol for…

When will my hair start growing?

When will my hair start growing?

It will be noticed that the first transplanted hair grows within 15 days immediately after hair transplantation. This situation…

What Does Mesotherapy Do?

What Does Mesotherapy Do?

Mesotherapy is used for treatment purposes against ailments at many different points. Mixtures applied to the skin accelerate…

Areas of Application of Mesotherapy

Areas of Application of Mesotherapy

In addition to being a practical and reliable method, there are many areas where mesotherapy is applied that has a clear…

Considerations After Mesotherapy

Considerations After Mesotherapy

There are certain points to be considered after mesotherapy, which can be applied to different parts of the body in many…

What is Botox?

What is Botox?

It is an application that temporarily removes lines and wrinkles on the skin. The duration of the effect of this method…

Botox Application Areas

Botox Application Areas

Botox is applied to many areas. Botox, which is used in facial aesthetics, is especially applied to remove wrinkles between…