What is Botox?

It is an application that temporarily removes lines and wrinkles on the skin. The duration of the effect of this method is 4 or 6 6 months. However, the duration of the effect differs according to each person and according to the place where the application is made. Anyone with good general health can have a Botox procedure. However, Botox is not applied to lactating women and pregnant women.


Botox method takes a very short time. It is quite an easy method. It is used to raise eyebrows and to prevent sweating. Botox procedure takes approximately 10 to 15 minutes. In addition, no pain or pain is felt in the Botox method. After the Botox procedure, the patient can return to his normal life and business life. Can perform social activities. It is recommended not to go to the sauna, hairdresser and sports on the day of Botox procedure. It is also recommended not to enter the pool for 3 days after the Botox procedure. In addition, the sleeping position is important after the Botox procedure. You should not sleep face down. Botox shows its full effect after 7 days.